Walker West Estates is moving through the subdivision approval process. To support this development and water service in the surrounding area, a water booster pumping station is required. The new pumping station is being investigated and engineered to address additional residential and non-residential water needs in the northwestern area of Walkerton by way of a newly established pressure zone. The new pressure zone, created by the new water booster pumping station, will be connected to both the new development as well as the existing water distribution system.
The proposed water booster pumping station is located adjacent to Bruce Road 2 within the new Walker West Estates subdivision. A cost sharing agreement will be established between the developer and the Municipality of Brockton for the building of and commissioning of the water booster pumping station to support the development.
Staff presented Report Number UT2019-11 at the June 18, 2019 Council Meeting providing more information on this project.
Environmental Assessment
In order to move forward, the Municipality of Brockton is required to initiate a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for the proposed new water booster pumping station. B.M. Ross and Associates have been contracted to administer the Class EA process.
The planning process for this project will follow the environmental screening process set out for Schedule B activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, specific to the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This process includes consultation with the public, project and area stakeholders, First Nation and Metis communities, and government review agencies.
- Class Environmental Assessment - Notice of Commencement (Issued June 26, 2019)
- Class Environmental Assessment - Notice of Completion (Issued February 26, 2020)
- Class Environmental Assessment - Screening Report (Issued February 26, 2020)
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