The Municipality of Brockton is responsible for managing and investing your tax dollars to meet the needs of our community.
Each year Council approves a budget that is split into two central areas:
- Capital - This budget covers municipal projects related to new assets or rehabilitating existing ones, including roads, sewers, parks, facilities such as the arena and library, stormwater management infrastructure, equipment replacements and more.
- Operating - This budget covers the day-to-day operations of the Municipality and funds such municipal services and programs as snow removal, sewer maintenance, fire protection services, by-law enforcement, economic development, road maintenance and repair, and parks and recreation programming.
Operating and Capital Budget |
The Municipality of Brockton tax levy of $12,531,038 was used to finance the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2024. The 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets were approved by Council on February 20, 2024. The Municipality of Brockton held Budget Meetings on January 16, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., February 6, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., and February 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Bruce County Council Chambers, and electronically on Zoom and livestreamed via eSCRIBE to our website. Note: We have made every attempt to make these budget documents accessible but there still may be some difficulty in recognizing all of the information. Please contact the Clerk's Department if you require assistance and we will make every attempt to provide this information in an alternate format. |
Previous Budgets |
Note: We have made every attempt to make these budget documents accessible but there still may be some difficulty in recognizing all of the information. Please contact the Clerk's Department if you require assistance and we will make every attempt to provide this information in an alternate format. |
Accessibility |
In the event a document provided on the website contains elements that are inaccessible, an alternative method will be provided by contacting the Municipal Office at 519-881-2223. For the visually impaired, large format printing is available at the Municipal Office, please call ahead to ensure availability at 519-881-2223. |
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