The Municipality of Brockton strives to make our community safe, healthy and enjoyable for everyone. By-laws are created as a way to address issues and concerns of the community. By-Law Enforcement Officers inform and encourage residents and businesses of by-laws and respond to complaints in accordance with the By-Law Enforcement Policy with the attached forms.
Visit our Municipality of Brockton By-Laws page for our current and most frequently referenced by-laws.
By-Law Enforcement Officer
At times residents may act in a way that is offensive to others. The Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer investigates concerns such as noise complaints (e.g. barking dogs, loud music), traffic and parking, fences, portable signs, and other matters that are addressed by municipal by-laws.
Our Municipal By-Law Enforcement objectives are:
- to increase public awareness of the municipality's current by-laws
- to assist residents to become more familiar with their responsibilities and rights as property owners or tenants
- to achieve compliance with our by-laws through education rather than fines
By-Law Infractions |
Payment for by-law infractions and tickets can be made at our Municipal Office by:
How to Make an Inquiry or Complaint
The By-Law Enforcement Officer requires a written complaint with contact information for follow-up and, depending on the nature of the offence, may ask you to provide evidence and/or to appear as a witness in any court proceeding pertaining to the complaint made. If you would like to make an inquiry or complaint please complete our complaint form and submit it to the By-Law Enforcement Officer. |
Encampment Response |
Encampment By-Law No. 2022-081 |
An encampment can be the establishment of a place providing temporary accommodation for living, sleeping or eating that may include the use of a motor home, shelter, tent, trailer or vehicle.
The Municipality of Brockton recognizes that everyone deserves a home. However, it is important to note that, as a lower tier municipality the Municipality of Brockton is not directly involved in housing and homelessness services, and it is difficult for the municipality to provide meaningful support without the authority, skills and resources. The Municipality of Brockton focuses on encampments and the safety of the individuals residing in encampments and ensuring public spaces are accessible and safe for all.
The County of Bruce offers a fully array of programs and services related to housing and homelessness. All questions concerning housing services should be directed to the County of Bruce Housing Services department.
Municipal By-Law 2022-081 regulates encampments and camping within the Municipality of Brockton. If you have any questions on Municipal By-Law 2022-081 please contact the By-Law Enforcement Officer.
By-Law No. 2022-081
What to do if you see an Encampment |
To report an encampment within the municipality please complete and submit a complaint form to the By-Law Enforcement Officer. The complaint form is required to include your name, address, contact information, a description of the encampment, and the location of the encampment. The information contained on the complaint form assists the municipality in coordinating the response to addressing encampments. Do not attempt to engage with encampment occupants, or try to resolve the encampment yourself. The municipality engages professionals who are trained to deal with encampments to ensure the personal wellbeing and safety of everyone involved. Municipal staff respond to By-Law related matters as outlined in the Municipal By-Law Enforcement Complaint Policy adopted by By-Law 2021-130.
Know When to Call 9-1-1 |
Call 9-1-1 immediately, if you encounter an immediate risk to some’s life or property, to stop or report a crime in progress or to report a fire
For non-emergencies call 1-888-310-1122 or 1-888-310-1133 (TTY)
What if the Encampment is on Private Property? |
An encampment can still be reported to the By-Law Enforcement Officer even if the encampment location is on private property. Property owners who encounter an encampment on their property can contact the By-Law Enforcement Officer for assistance.
The Municipality's Response to Encampments |
When an encampment is reported to the Municipality, staff contact a member of the YMCA Rural Housing & Homelessness Outreach team, so outreach staff can attempt to connect with, and offer services to the individuals at the reported site. All outreach efforts are done by the YMCA. Individuals residing at the encampment will be encouraged to accept indoor shelter offered to them and vacate the encampment voluntarily. Encampments will be scheduled to be cleaned only after all residents have vacated the encampment. |