Bruce County Warden and Brockton Mayor Chris Peabody was presented with the Community Leadership Award from Bruce Power at the 2024 Canadian Nuclear Association Conference. The Community Leadership Award focuses on exceptional service to communities in the Grey, Bruce, and Huron Region recognizing leaders who exemplify the qualities of collaboration, communication and clear vision who have made a significant and positive impact to the region. This award was also presented to Huron County Warden Glen McNeil, and Grey County Warden Brian Milne.
The Nuclear Innovation Institute in partnership with Bruce Power and Bruce County also developed an award in memory of Community Development Coordinator, Paulette Peirol. The Paulette Peirol Memorial Award for Excellence in Economic Development recognizes the substantial contribution that Paulette Peirol made to the economic development community across the Clean Energy Frontier region (Bruce, Grey, and Huron County), the Paulette Peirol Memorial Award for Excellence in Economic Development will be awarded annually to a local economic development professional or economic development team that has demonstrated a significant commitment to the local clean energy sector through initiatives that promote regional economic growth, foster innovation, and advance sustainability.
The award was presented posthumously to Paulette Peirol at the Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and was accepted by Paulette's partner, Steve Furness and Mayor Chris Peabody.
This legacy award will be presented on an annual basis with the Clean Energy Frontier-led awards and will be presented at the CNA Conference each year.
The Municipality of Brockton extends our gratitude to Bruce Power, the Nuclear Innovation Institute, the County of Bruce and the Clean Energy Frontier Program Steering Committee for their consideration of this award and recognition of Paulette's contributions to our community and region. We are honoured that Paulette's legacy will continue through this Memorial Award for Excellence in Economic Development.
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