Loyal Labour Force
"We consider our 'small town' labour force to be one of our competitive advantages. There is a level of loyalty and an appreciation for stable employment opportunities that is more prevalent here than in larger centres. As a result, employee turnover is much lower. We also believe that the work ethic that exists in a smaller community and the importance of relationships is a great advantage for team based work environments where pride of workmanship and mutual respect are so important."
John Larsen, President
Larsen & Shaw Limited, Hinge manufacturing firm
Accessible Transportation Network
"We have been here in Walkerton for over 25 years. We find the area has a work force that is dedicated and hard working. Our products are shipped and raw materials are picked up in the Greater Toronto Area, Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo and across the United States. We use a local trucking company to make our pick-ups and deliveries and have been let down very few times over the past 25 years."
Tom Holman, Plant Manager - Hammond Power Solutions Inc. (transformer manufacturing)
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