The Municipality of Brockton updated its Community Improvement Plan in August 2022 to add new incentives for business owners and expand the CIP area to incorporate parts of Walkerton, Chepstow, Cargill, Pinkerton and Elmwood, and for some programs, the entire municipality.
The purpose of a CIP is to target an area within a municipality for strategic improvement. A CIP document establishes how and what tools will be used to improve the project area, and enables a Municipality to provide local incentives such as grants, loans and property tax cancellations under the authority of Section 28 of the Planning Act and 365.1 of the Municipal Act.
Brockton enacted a CIP for Historic Walkerton in 2014, offering downtown businesses incentives to improve their properties through programs offered by the Municipality and the County of Bruce, through its Spruce the Bruce program. The objective of the updated CIP is to broaden the scope of incentives and the geographic area covered in the plan to allow more eligible businesses and property owners to take part.
The CIP update provides a framework to encourage the rehabilitation and repurposing of existing commercial, industrial, institutional and heritage buildings and structures, improvement of commercial signage and facades, energy efficiencies, accessibility improvements, and the redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties and buildings, particularly for projects that address the need for more attainable housing.
It also supports the County’s expanded Spruce the Bruce program, allowing all eligible businesses in Brockton to apply.
The updated CIP allows for six financial assistance programs to registered owners or tenants of land and buildings within the Community Improvement Area that will assist with:
- building façades
- signage improvements
- accessibility improvements
- energy efficiency
- conversion or expansion of vacant or underutilized spaces
- farm-gates
For more information please view the Updated Brockton Community Improvement Plan.
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